Sunday, September 24, 2017

Healthy Journey

This summer I decided to participate in a Healthy Living contest.  I was so so so hoping it would help with the migraines.  But alas, it didn't.
Anyway, here were the rules that we followed, in case you were wanting to do your own:
You will use a scoring sheet each week to keep track of your score. Each week when you weigh in you will send me your weight and how many points you earned for that week and I will enter it into a spreadsheet to keep a tally of individual and team points and % of weight lost for each week. I will add whatever points you earn for weight lost.
Each week I will post the team and individual points and % of weight lost or gained in this group. I will NOT post actual weight. Here is an example of how you can earn points.
Scoring: (see rules below for further clarification)
Exercise: 15 min = 1 pt (up to 16 pts/week)
Eat a healthy breakfast = 1 pt
NO junk food = 2 pts; MINIMAL junk food = 1 pt
3-4 servings of vegetables = 1 pt; 5+ servings = 2 pts
No soda = 1 pt
No eating w/in 2 hours of bed = 1 pt
Drink at least 64 oz of water = 1 pt
Get at least 7 hours of sleep every 24 hours = 1 pt
Weight loss = 2 pts for every % lost (rounding up)

 Needless to say, I did get my weight and healthy habits where they should be.  No more running to the the pantry for handfuls of chocolate chips!  Eating lots of veggies!  Exercising everyday.

We'll see what the future holds.

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