Like most families, our kids are not always kind to each other.
- To help kids think of ways they can be kind in situations where other people aren't.
- To foster compassion and responsibility
- One piece of chart paper, markers
- On a sign write the words, "The one gift we can all give to each other is kindness."
- On another sign, write: "I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." Helen Keller.
- Hold up the sign, "The one gift we can all give to each other is kindness." Read it together. Ask your kids to give examples of ways others have been kind to them, and ways they've been kind to others.
- Ask your kids if they have ever chosen to be kind in situations where they were the only one doing it. Discuss.
- Read aloud the Helen Keller quote:
"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do."
- Let your kids know that often the "something we can do" is to choose to be kind when others are doing the opposite. Sometimes being kind takes courage.
- Ask your kids what they think is the kind thing to do in the following situations:
1. Brian gives the wrong answer to a question the teacher asks. Other kids start to snicker and make faces.
2. Mindy comes to school wearing a shirt with a big stain on it. Her hair is all tangled and looks like it hasn't been washed in awhile. A few kids hold their noses as she walks by.
3. Jason has trouble reading. He stumbles over some simple words that most of the class can read with ease. Someone makes a joke about this at Jason's expense. A few kids start to laugh.
4. Jessie tends to be awkward around other kids. Sometimes she talks too loud. People find her annoying. She always ends up sitting alone at lunch time.
- Afterward, on chart paper have your kids come up with "Kind Choices I Can Make."
- Guide your kids to include the following:
*Choose not to join in when people are laughing at someone.
*Speak out against unkind words or actions
*Say something reassuring to the person who is being picked on or laughed at.
*Ask those making fun how it would feel if they were the ones being laughed at.
*Ask the person who's being picked on or excluded to join you in an activity.
*Let an adult know what's going on if they are unaware.
Remind your kids that being kind is one of the most important things we can do in life. Acknowledge them for any kindnesses you have observed. Pin It
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