Saturday, September 7, 2013

Through Study and ... Even More Study

President Boyd K. Packer often reminds us that “all of us—leaders, teachers, missionaries, and parents—have a lifelong challenge from the Lord to both teach and learn the doctrines of the gospel as they have been revealed to us.”As simply stated by Elder L. Tom Perry, “Every position in the Church requires an effective teacher.”
Since every member is a teacher and “teaching is the center of all that we do,”  we all have a sacred responsibility to learn some basic principles of teaching. There are many principles of teaching and learning, and it is not enough for us just to read about them. First, we need to understand these basic principles, and second, we need to be shown how they are used by successful teachers. This can be done by carefully watching able teachers in our wards and branches and reviewing the worldwide leadership training meeting on teaching and learning found on the Church Web site or in Church magazines.
 I know that as a student, I also need to take the time to prepare for a lesson.  I read the material and come with questions.  I also like to discuss somethings with other family members, get a different perspective on the subject. 
I know it can be hard to fit everything in.  We read personal, couple and family scriptures.  We say personal, couple, and family prayer.  Then we prepare the lesson we will be giving.  Now we are suppose to find time to study a lesson we are going to listen to?
It doesn't have to be that intense.  We can simply read through the material.
For Sunday School, simply read the assigned scriptures.  For Relief Society or Priesthood meeting, read the current chapter of Teachings of the Prophets.  or talks.  This can take the place of daily reading of the Book of Mormon, if time is limited. Even skimming is beneficial.
I also like to listen to the lesson.  I will turn it on my PC or small portable device and listen as I put dishes away or fold laundry.  It brings the spirit into our home, and keeps me focused.  It also helps the teacher, as someone will be in the class who has a comment or question. Pin It

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