and Triumph is a little "umph"!--Marvin Phillips
Every year we make New Year's Resolutions. I can never seem to seem to stick to them very long. But then there are the habits I make. Those seem to stick.
For example, we always have Family Home Evening. We don't miss.
Family Prayer is another that always takes place.
But reading the Book of Mormon isn't a habit anymore. What happened to that one? TIME. We have scriptures and family prayer in the evening before bed. Right before bed. When it gets too late for reading from the scriptures, we'll just pick up the Friend and read a story from that. The month of December we read a scripture, sang a song, and read a Christmas story each night. So it has been over a month since we read from the Book of Mormon. (Well, there were a few scriptures we quoted from that book.) We need to get back into that habit.
So how can we make New Year's Resolutions into a habit? We are going to get the whole family invoved. I am a visual person, so I need something I can see. I have used a chart for myself over the past couple of years.
Here is the link:
It helps me to have something I can see.
I then tried to find a chart for the kids.
I found this one at
And these at
Then I made this silly one.

accomplish their goal.
I read a few articles that would help us impliment the habits.
This one at seemed the have great ideas.
And this one at
Then I found a few good articles in The Friend to read to the family to get them motivated.
Good points!
We have to get up early to read scriptures. It is the only thing that has worked for us and made an effort into a success. We really have been doing it for a year now. We are on the Book of Mormon for the second time, and the Old Testament. I decided that I wanted the girls to be able to say they have read all the Standard works before they leave home. It is not easy, but it works for us and it really does help!
I think you're right about goals vs. habits -- the things I change and make part of the routine stick, the rest don't. Good luck to you in 2011!
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