A week ago was our Ward Conference.
One of the talks that have stuck with me,was by our Stake President. He told of a seminary teacher who asked his students what the most important word was. They had great answers, such as love, and took almost the whole class discussing all the words that were brought up. Finally the teacher told them what the most important word is.

Our Stake President quoted a talk given by President Kimball: “When you look in the dictionary for the most important word, do you know what it is? It could be ‘remember.’ Because all of [us] have made covenants … our greatest need is to remember. That is why everyone goes to sacrament meeting every Sabbath day—to take the sacrament and listen to the priests pray that [we] ‘… may always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given [us].’… ‘Remember’ is the word” (Circles of Exaltation [address to religious educators, Brigham Young University, 28 June 1968], 8).
Now I usually don't expect the kids to get anything out of it, and maybe I'm just noticing the word more, but we have been using it quite a bit more since then. If there is something that needs done, then someone will say "Remember". (I have LOVE hearing the kids say it!)
Remember...What we do with our dishes after we eat.
Remember...if you want a treat, you need to pick up your toys.
Remember...if we want to play with the blocks, we need to clean up our books.
We are working on keeping the little girls in their won bed at night. They get a treat when they do. All that Dad has to say to them in the middle of the night is, "Remember." They turn right around and get back in bed.
So amazing!
And then there is Mom. I have a horrible memory as of late. I forget so many things unless it's written down. And my schedule is crazy, so...
But I also need to remember other, more important, things.
Remember to pray.
Remember to read scriptures on my own.
Remember to keep an eternal perspective.
Remember who I am, and Who is helping me.
I also need to remember that I am not in this alone.
Remember that these are Someone else's children, not just mine.
Remember that He has a vested interest.
Then I'm not so overwhelmed.
Typing these things I feel so much better. I can do this. If I remember... Pin It
1 comment:
I'm going to have to "remember" this...hee hee! Great points!
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