Tuesday, August 31, 2010
September (yes, already)
Well, August is already gone. This went so fast! I'm a little sad. Summer was so short this year. Or so it seems.
But on to bigger and better things!
For next month, I am going to post more things that pertain to The Family: A Proclamation to the World. The reason for this is from the inspiration of a fellow blogger. Check her out at We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice In Christ.

She is so inspiring. I love all the gospel centered activities she does with her family.
For me, I get so caught up in the chores I need to accomplish each day to keep some semblance of order in our lives, that I don't think I focus on the things that REALLY matter. My family. The ones I want to be with FOREVER! Hopefully this will help me find homemaking and motherhood even more enjoyable.
Don't get me wrong, I love being a mother. And getting to be home with the ones I brought into this world is the best blessing! Trust me, it is so much harder to be a working mom. I had to work for nine years. I would cry almost everyday. Especially when I had to leave the really little ones. Julia was just 2 months old when I had to return to work. I would go feed her each day at lunch, then cry all the way back to work. But I was able to help get us off food stamps and that was worth it.
Then when I was able to leave the workforce and be a stay-at-home mom, I was so excited!! I had all these visions of how the days would go!! I would get up and make an elaborate breakfast. Start laundry, exercise, read to the little ones, do all kids of crafts and activities with them, all while keeping an immaculate home. I would always read my scriptures. Bake bread. Memorize all the scriptures and hymns. Keep up with all the sewing projects and craft ideas. Be a great missionary. Read to myself.
And now I am lucky if everyone has clean underwear.
But does this mean I'm not a good mom, or that I'm not living the gospel. No!! As long as I'm doing all I can do, and treating others well, then I am doing great. No where in The Proclamation does it say that I have to have a spotless house, or that all our clothing must be homemade. Pin It
But on to bigger and better things!
For next month, I am going to post more things that pertain to The Family: A Proclamation to the World. The reason for this is from the inspiration of a fellow blogger. Check her out at We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice In Christ.

She is so inspiring. I love all the gospel centered activities she does with her family.
For me, I get so caught up in the chores I need to accomplish each day to keep some semblance of order in our lives, that I don't think I focus on the things that REALLY matter. My family. The ones I want to be with FOREVER! Hopefully this will help me find homemaking and motherhood even more enjoyable.
Don't get me wrong, I love being a mother. And getting to be home with the ones I brought into this world is the best blessing! Trust me, it is so much harder to be a working mom. I had to work for nine years. I would cry almost everyday. Especially when I had to leave the really little ones. Julia was just 2 months old when I had to return to work. I would go feed her each day at lunch, then cry all the way back to work. But I was able to help get us off food stamps and that was worth it.
Then when I was able to leave the workforce and be a stay-at-home mom, I was so excited!! I had all these visions of how the days would go!! I would get up and make an elaborate breakfast. Start laundry, exercise, read to the little ones, do all kids of crafts and activities with them, all while keeping an immaculate home. I would always read my scriptures. Bake bread. Memorize all the scriptures and hymns. Keep up with all the sewing projects and craft ideas. Be a great missionary. Read to myself.
And now I am lucky if everyone has clean underwear.
But does this mean I'm not a good mom, or that I'm not living the gospel. No!! As long as I'm doing all I can do, and treating others well, then I am doing great. No where in The Proclamation does it say that I have to have a spotless house, or that all our clothing must be homemade. Pin It
Friday, August 27, 2010
My Obsession! The Silhouette...
I am so in love with this machine. I have wanted one for about 3 years when I first heard about it. My mom and two of my sisters has the Cricut, which is so fun. But I love that this one you can hook it up to your computer and do so much more. The creativity is endless. and with all the things people are using it for and posting about, you are never short on things to try. So, once again, I am telling you all about these great giveaways for the Silhouette. If you already have one, or don't want one, enter anyway, and give it to me. I will gladly take it off your hands.
http://www.crapivemade.com/2010/08/moment-youve-all-been-waiting-for.html Pin It
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tutorial Tuesday
Well, this past spring, Katia broke her arm. She was really wanting a sling, because her cousin had used one when he broke his arm. So, we went to the medical supply store in search of one. We found one, but it had (bleck) dinosaurs on it. So, after checking online (and seeing outrageous prices), I decided to make one for her.
It was only used a few times by her, but she will still pull it out of her drawer and play with it. Then when her baby sister broke her arm (trying to use the rope ladder in the fort), she said that she could use it when she had a cast on.
So, here is how we did it:
1/2 yard of fabric (we chose princess, of course)
package of rectangular rings
a sheet of felt
package of matching velcro (yes, pink)
matching bias tape (uh huh, pink)
2 yards of matching webbing (pink again)
I checked out the dimensions on one website, and shrunk it down to fit her arm.
Then I found the center of the piece of fabric, and folded it in fourths. I then cut (all four layers as one) the basic shape of the sling.
The elbow is the center fold.

Like this picture (only folded in half).
Then fold it back over and sew the elbow from the top to the bottom, curving slightly the bottom in an inch.

Sew the bias tape according to the directions around the whole unfinished edge of the sling.

Cut three 6 inch pieces of webbing. Get a rectangular ring, slip a piece of webbing through, and fold the ends down about 3/4 of an inch towards the center. Place one at the top back of the elbow (where it was stitched first) and zig zag 3 or 4 rows to secure.
Repeat this step at the front (where the wrist will rest) one on the front, and one in the back.

Now get the felt, fold it in half, and cut a rounded rectangle. This one has been unfolded. Then cut slits (arrows are pointing to the positions) on the four ends, matching front and back.

Take the remaining webbing, fold one end down 1 and 1/2 inches, feeding it through the ring at the elbow. Zig-zag stitch 3 to 4 times.
Feed the webbing through the slits in the felt shoulder pad (folded in half). Cut about a foot of velcro and sew one side on top of the free end of the webbing. Then, leaving about 4 to 6 inches of webbing, sew the other side of the velcro to the webbing on the same side as before.

Now thread the webbing through the rings at the front. Secure with the velcro, adjusting to fit well. Here is your finished product:
Much more girlie than dinosaurs!
Pin It
It was only used a few times by her, but she will still pull it out of her drawer and play with it. Then when her baby sister broke her arm (trying to use the rope ladder in the fort), she said that she could use it when she had a cast on.
So, here is how we did it:
1/2 yard of fabric (we chose princess, of course)
package of rectangular rings
a sheet of felt
package of matching velcro (yes, pink)
matching bias tape (uh huh, pink)
2 yards of matching webbing (pink again)
Then I found the center of the piece of fabric, and folded it in fourths. I then cut (all four layers as one) the basic shape of the sling.
The elbow is the center fold.

Like this picture (only folded in half).

Sew the bias tape according to the directions around the whole unfinished edge of the sling.

Cut three 6 inch pieces of webbing. Get a rectangular ring, slip a piece of webbing through, and fold the ends down about 3/4 of an inch towards the center. Place one at the top back of the elbow (where it was stitched first) and zig zag 3 or 4 rows to secure.
Repeat this step at the front (where the wrist will rest) one on the front, and one in the back.

Now get the felt, fold it in half, and cut a rounded rectangle. This one has been unfolded. Then cut slits (arrows are pointing to the positions) on the four ends, matching front and back.

Take the remaining webbing, fold one end down 1 and 1/2 inches, feeding it through the ring at the elbow. Zig-zag stitch 3 to 4 times.

Now thread the webbing through the rings at the front. Secure with the velcro, adjusting to fit well. Here is your finished product:

Monday, August 23, 2010
New Alarm Clock
We have a new alarm clock.
We started using it about 3 weeks ago.
It is quite efficient.
Though the wake time is a bit sporadic, ranging from 6am to 7:30 am.
It doesn't have a snooze or good off switch.
It is quite loud and could wake most of the neighborhood.
We are forced to get up.
Get dressed.
And take it for a walk.
We call it Shasta.
It is black with white.
It jumps up on most everyone.
We have to feed and water it.
Play with it.
Take it to the vet.
Brush it.
And then it will still go off.
Quite loudly.
Not non-stop.
It will bark once, wait a few seconds.
Bark again.
Until someone comes out to play.
I'm not sure why this has started.
But one day she started barking at 6 and kept going until finally we took her for a walk.
And it's been like that ever since.
I guess it has helped the parents start getting up earlier.
It will help us be less tired, come Thursday, when we HAVE to get up.
It has been a blessing.
We got the dog last fall.
To help the kids be less afraid of dogs.
It helped Jayden.
Katia is still working on it.
The little girls LOVE her.
Almost to death.
The older kids love her.
They will play with her and brush her.
Jayden will take her on walks.
So will Elyse and Ari.
Pets are suppose to teach kids responsibility.
I think Shasta has done that.
Ari will worry about her being too cold.
Same with Elyse.
Katia wants to teach her not to jump up people.
It was definitely a good thing for our family.
We started using it about 3 weeks ago.
It is quite efficient.
Though the wake time is a bit sporadic, ranging from 6am to 7:30 am.
It doesn't have a snooze or good off switch.
It is quite loud and could wake most of the neighborhood.
We are forced to get up.
Get dressed.
And take it for a walk.
We call it Shasta.
It is black with white.
It jumps up on most everyone.
We have to feed and water it.
Play with it.
Take it to the vet.
Brush it.
And then it will still go off.
Quite loudly.
Not non-stop.
It will bark once, wait a few seconds.
Bark again.
Until someone comes out to play.
I'm not sure why this has started.
But one day she started barking at 6 and kept going until finally we took her for a walk.
And it's been like that ever since.
I guess it has helped the parents start getting up earlier.
It will help us be less tired, come Thursday, when we HAVE to get up.
It has been a blessing.
We got the dog last fall.
To help the kids be less afraid of dogs.
It helped Jayden.
Katia is still working on it.
The little girls LOVE her.
Almost to death.
The older kids love her.
They will play with her and brush her.
Jayden will take her on walks.
So will Elyse and Ari.
Pets are suppose to teach kids responsibility.
I think Shasta has done that.
Ari will worry about her being too cold.
Same with Elyse.
Katia wants to teach her not to jump up people.
It was definitely a good thing for our family.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Summer Flies the Coop!
I have no idea where the summer has gone. I don't think I did enough for 12 weeks to have passed. (Has it really been that long?!?)
But the past three weeks we have done quite a bit.
We went camping with the family.
Flaming Gorge.
So fun.
Quite wet.
It rained most of the time.
Then the wind blew.
But the kids we so great.
We ended up trapped in the travel trailer for most of the time.
Saw some amazing sunsets and lightning!
Went swimming a few times.
We had a play at the park/picnic each Wednesday.
We went to a movie every Thursday afternoon.
Went hiking.
Fed the ducks.
Went to the small local zoo.
Worked in the yard.
Sewed a few items.
(bag, apron, pillowcase, skirts)
Watched a helicopter drop water on a wildfire.
Helped family put a roof on.
Visited family.
I picked up embroidery again.
Went hiking.
Fed the ducks.
Went to the small local zoo.
Worked in the yard.
Sewed a few items.
(bag, apron, pillowcase, skirts)
Watched a helicopter drop water on a wildfire.
Helped family put a roof on.
Visited family.
I picked up embroidery again.
But the past three weeks we have done quite a bit.
Our oldest son was ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood.
We celebrated his 12th birthday with family.
We celebrated his 12th birthday with family.
We went camping with the family.
Flaming Gorge.
So fun.
Quite wet.
It rained most of the time.
Then the wind blew.
But the kids we so great.
We ended up trapped in the travel trailer for most of the time.
Saw some amazing sunsets and lightning!
Then we headed to Mimi's house to get out of the weather.
Then we came home.
I painted my bedroom.
Just boring white.
I need a blank canvas.
I still need to finish the little girls' room.
Same color.
We went school shopping.
I took 5 of the kids to begin with.
It went okay.
But after that I only took one child with me at a time.
Less hectic.
Today I went to do the grocery store to do the
breakfast/after school snack shopping.
I like to have on hand easy, good, nutritious food for the kids.
It helps me keep them eating better.
Toaster Strudel.
Cold cereal.
Cheese sticks.
I also make sure we have pancake mix.
And plenty of eggs and bread.
So now we are pretty much ready for school to start.
There is one thing left to do.
We need to get our sleep schedule fixed.
We've been staying up late (11:00 late).
Sleeping in late (9:00 late).
The little kids even.
DD, 17 says she will just wake up fine (6am) the first day of school
without starting to wake earlier each day.
We'll see how it goes.
Pin It
Then we came home.
I painted my bedroom.
Just boring white.
I need a blank canvas.
I still need to finish the little girls' room.
Same color.
We went school shopping.
I took 5 of the kids to begin with.
It went okay.
But after that I only took one child with me at a time.
Less hectic.
Today I went to do the grocery store to do the
breakfast/after school snack shopping.
I like to have on hand easy, good, nutritious food for the kids.
It helps me keep them eating better.
Toaster Strudel.
Cold cereal.
Cheese sticks.
I also make sure we have pancake mix.
And plenty of eggs and bread.
So now we are pretty much ready for school to start.
There is one thing left to do.
We need to get our sleep schedule fixed.
We've been staying up late (11:00 late).
Sleeping in late (9:00 late).
The little kids even.
DD, 17 says she will just wake up fine (6am) the first day of school
without starting to wake earlier each day.
We'll see how it goes.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Silhouette Giveaways!!
There are two sites giving away a Silhouette machine! You have to check this out. There are so many amazing things that you can do with this tool, you will be up late just crafting!!
Here are the sites that you can go to to enter to win. It is an amazing deal.
Enter to win. If you already have one, you can give it to me. Pin It
Here are the sites that you can go to to enter to win. It is an amazing deal.
Enter to win. If you already have one, you can give it to me. Pin It
More Silhouette Giveaways!!
I am so in love with this tool. I can't believe how many things you can do with it!! If you would love to have one of these for your crafting needs, then go check out these sites and enter to win one of your own. They are also having a major special on the machine so you can purchase one for yourself and use it for all of your ideas.
And of course you need to check out the silhouette website as well to see all of the amazing things you can do with it. It will probably add several projects on to your already extra long list! Pin It
And of course you need to check out the silhouette website as well to see all of the amazing things you can do with it. It will probably add several projects on to your already extra long list! Pin It
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