Today we went for an ultrasound. The ultrasound tech was really patient to try and get a good picture. Of course they are so squished that only one of the babies was able to be seen really well. Thing 1 is head down and had the umbilical cord in front of their face the whole time. Thing 2 had their hands in front of their face so that it took a while to get a good look. They are growing well. Thing 1 weighs 4 lbs and Thing 2 weighs 3lb14oz. They also have plenty of fluid, so they are healthy.

I love to look at Thing 2's chubby cheeks. It seems that the 3-D ultrasound pictures worked this time, where as last time we couldn't get anything to work. But we only have 6 more weeks until we get to see them outside. That's when we can hold them, but the real work begins. Still, when I think of the work involved, I am still more excited to get to see them, that the work seems minimal. We'll see if this stays.
I also have these two pictures taken February 2 and today for you all to compare.
I can feel the difference just in the past few days. I can also tell that they have grown because they feel heavy. The doctor said I also have to take sleep aids to ensure that I get enough sleep. This will help out my mood, I hope. I might even have enough energy to keep up with the kids, house, and other stuff. Pin It
1 comment:
Those are my baby sisters not yet come!
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