1 pair of jeans that still fit her around, but were too short
1/3 yard of fabric (lavender with flowers)
scissors (of course)
matching thread
a cutting mat and rotary cutter
pins would be helpful, but I didn't use them
To start out with, take the jeans and cut the legs off just above the crotch, folding the first cut-off leg over to match up with the next.
Then match the salvage ends of each strip and sew it so it formed a circle.
Then make a narrow hem (about 1/4 inch) on each strip.
Place the shorter strip/circle inside the wider (matching the seams) and baste them together. (You may want to pin them together before sewing.)
Then baste again, 1/8 inch in, so you can gather the ruffles. (I did this twice in case a thread broke.)
With right sides together and matching the back seam on the jeans with the seams on the ruffles, adjust the gathers to match and sew them together, just in from the gathered threads. (This is one place where you may want to pin the fabric to the jeans.)
Then either serge or zigzag on the outer edge to make it more secure and neat.
If you have any questions, let me know.
Happy sewing!

Great idea, especially when jeans get holes in the knees :)
Great summer skirt idea for the jeans that they have outgrown! I will be trying it! Thanks.
So cute. I don't think I could get my 15 and 18 yr old girls to wear it. Maybe I could pull it off.
Very cute!
This is something I keep meaning to try....thanks for such great instructions!!
Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!
Oh my gracious!!! SO cute! I love it!
This is SUPER CUTE! So cute in fact that I have a little award for you over at Mean Mommy Academy ;)
What a great idea for a skirt! I'm going to include this in my highlights. Thanks for linking up!
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