Elyse's I started first. (She did her shoes. Ballet slippers dyed green with a pompom and some sequins glued on.) But after watching Tinkerbell's Lost Treasure movie, we wish that we had made her costume like that to keep her warm. Oh well, maybe next year. (She is a major Tink fan and has been for quite some time.)
I then did Ari's. His was the most fun. It was a trip to DI and then an afternoon of sewing with this as the result.
*pict to follow after I can get him to stand still long enough to get one*
Katia's I started next. but then she changed her mind. She started out wanting to be a fairy. Then she changed her mind several times.
Emma's was the next.
Then I did Katia's and finished up with Delta's (on the day of the ward party).
I think I will take a sewing break for the weekend to reclaim the house. Then I will be starting on Christmas dresses, gifts, and such. Pin It
Whoo Hoo!! Go Suzanne go! They all look great! It is amazing to me how you do it all! You truly are SuperMom!!
All I have to say is WOW!
I'm amazed that you made time to get all those costumes done. Definitely a sign of a supermom. We don't really celebrate Halloween here in Malaysia. But if we did, my kids would be very disappointed in their mom's lack of costume making skills :)
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